Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Misery (A poem)

Beneath the place of bliss,
Is a world of volatile peace,
Things pass by and fade,
Mystifying roads to take.

Choices, bewildering choices,
Questions in mind that won’t cease asking.
Thinking priggishly may lead you to mess,
But as you fail, you learn to value things.

Living life full of challenges,
Seeking answers to given riddles,
As I cross the bridge, I fall.
This is life – so I tell myself to ‘stand tall’.

This is a world of pitiless people,
Brimful of selfishness and arrogance.
To give the needy ten dimes,
Is like owing them, thousand times.

A world of envy and bitterness,
Feeling no contentment but insecurity,
People define money as their happiness,
Not knowing that believing this is foolishness.

One takes his first breath,
But the other breathes his last.
Aching hearts begin to tear,
For he lived his life too fast.

Everything in this world will perish,
Lives of the living, provisions of men.
This is the world of no eternity,
This is our world today – this is reality.

*I wrote this poem last year (2015). It is about the "other side" of our world today. I hope that all of us will make a change towards the betterment of our society.

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