Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Let Love be the Foundation (Reflective Journal)

      “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” ― Mother Teresa

     Unconditional Love – this was the essence of the movie entitled, “Mother Teresa of Calcutta” that we watched during that session. Mother Teresa was really an epitome of a helpful, caring, thoughtful and a loving person. Because of what I have watched that day, I realized something that changed my views about serving people.

     Before, I thought that whenever I serve people, I must be paid back. Honestly, I was a conditional person. I believed that it was just right for me to expect something from others whenever I help them. But I was wrong.

     The true essence of helpfulness is love. We must help people, because we love to share our blessings to them, and not because we are obliged to. We must do good things to them and make them happy because we love to see them that way. Even small things turn into great ones whenever we lend a hand to them with all our hearts. The root of all pure acts of kindness and generosity is love.

     Love as a foundation on helping people is like the details of an artwork – the more you add different colors, beautiful designs and a touch of inspiration and passion – the more it becomes a wonderful and a meaningful masterpiece. Now, try to imagine the world without love. Do you see it? It is like painting on a canvass with a transparent paint or water. There’s no discernible change.

     Just like Mother Teresa, we must see to it that helping others is our responsibility as Christians, and as citizens of the nation who really see the situation and the needs of their fellowmen. All of us are called to help and serve others for betterment and for the glory of God. To help others with purity, we must have the faith to remove hopelessness – and we must hold love in our hearts to do great things – in order to change the world.

*I wrote this journal a year ago (2015).

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