Saturday, April 9, 2016

God’s Perfect Plan (Reflective Journal)

     I was not at the Quezon City Science Interactive Center that time for Centrex. I was excused from the session because I was at Ateneo de Manila University for an entrance exam review.

     As a student who aims for a goal, I look to this once in a lifetime opportunity as a steppingstone towards the fulfillment of my dreams. Ateneo is such a prestige school with excellent standards on education. And I think, it is not only me who is dreaming to be an “Atenista,” but also a lot of aspiring students and achievers in the country. A lot of successful people in our nation like businessmen, personalities and leaders are graduates of this school. In fact, the incumbent President of the Republic of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino III is a product of Ateneo

     When I took my first step on that school, I felt excited and at the same time, I felt nervous. Because I knew that if I passed the entrance exam, it would be great – and it would be very challenging. But I was also open to the possibility that I may not pass the exam, or it would be a tough one for me.

     But thank God! Through faith and prayers, He shows me everyday that “Everything happens for a purpose.” From that point of my life, I became optimistic, and I face each challenge with positivity and determination.

     While I was walking around my “dream school,” I was thinking, “If it is not His will to let me study here in Ateneo, then what am I doing here?” I just realized that time that “God moves in mysterious ways” – ways that we couldn’t explain, because sometimes it was like happening for no reason. But in reality, “There’s a reason behind every situation.”

     That experience was full of new discoveries. Aside from Mathematics, Reading and Grammar, I also learned a new lesson in life that things happen in God’s perfect will. And for me, being there during the review was no accident. Hopefully, that was not the first and the last time that I would be able to go there.

     God has a wonderful plan for me. And I know, it is the best for me.

*I wrote this reflective journal last year (2015). Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the top 300+ during the entrance exam last October. I failed to study at my dream school, but GOD HAVE NOT FAILED TO AMAZE ME. It was Tuesday this week when I took an entrance exam at the Nazareth School of National University and surprisingly, I ranked 1 among all the examinees. My experience have proven that "God has a wonderful plan for me. And I know, it is the best for me."

Always instill both in your mind and heart that failure is just a sign that VICTORY is coming your way. JUST DON'T GIVE UP AND LET THESE DOWNFALLS STRENGTHEN YOU. GOD HAS A WONDERFUL PLAN FOR EACH ONE OF US. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!

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